Health Office
A message from our nursing staff
We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new and returning campers and their families. Sierra Canyon Day Camp has a licensed nurse on duty during camp hours. Our assistant is CPR and First Aid educated. Our health facility offers the security of knowing that your children will be cared for in the event of an injury or illness. The Health Office has first aid supplies, a two-bed, air-conditioned infirmary, an automated external defibrillator (AED), and Jr. and adult dosed Epi-Pens in the event of an anaphylactic life-threatening emergency. The campus is equipped with earthquake supplies, food, and water. Our Head-Counselors are all CPR and First Aid certified.
The Camper Medical Enrollment Form that you completed online asked questions about your child’s health and immunization status. This information assists us in taking the best care of your children throughout the day.
Immunizations Policy
As of January 1st, 2016, California legislation eliminated the personal belief exemption. If your child/camper has a medical reason that they may not complete the immunization series, a Medical Exemption letter from your Health Care Provider will need to be placed in their file. Complying with the Los Angeles Health Department and State of California’s regulations is of utmost importance in protecting the health of all our campers. In the event of an outbreak of a communicable disease, such as chickenpox, measles, etc, the camp, in conjunction with the Department of Public Health, is required to exempt all unimmunized campers during that diseases incubation period.
Medications During Camp Hours
Over-the-counter medications: We recognize that some children may become ill, have discomfort, possible rashes or allergic reactions during camp hours. The Nurse will administer only those medications deemed “necessary” during the camp day. When the registration forms were completed online, a check-off area for over-the-counter medications that we can administer was provided. These medications included, but are not limited to cortisone cream and Polysporin, etc. Analgesics, such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen, or Benadryl require a form to be completed by both a parent and the physician. All doses of medication are based on the child’s weight. We have an ample supply of these medications on hand for your convenience.
Prescription Medication: All prescription medication must be brought in its original and labeled container. A Request For Medication To Be Taken During Camp Form must be completed by the doctor and signed by the parent. The camper’s name, dose of medication, and time to be administered, and prescribing doctor must be on the label. We need one form per medication that your child will need. All medications will be stored in our office. It is against our camp policy to keep medication in the camper’s backpack unless prior arrangements are made with the Nurse. Medication tends to get misplaced, lost, or when outdoors, exceeds the temperature storage recommendations on the prescription. In an after-hours extended daycare emergency, our Head Counselors know the location of emergency medications such as Epi-pens and asthma inhalers.
We are able to store medications that require refrigeration in our office. The office is locked after hours, and cabinets are secure from access.
Allergies at Camp
Sierra Canyon Camp is aware of the many children who have food, insect, and other allergies. We make every effort to provide precautions to lessen the risk of illness for all of our campers. If your child has allergies, please be sure to document this on the Camper Medical Enrolment Form and notify the Health Office. Sierra Canyon is not a peanut-free camp, but we are allergy aware and make every effort to be conscientious and considerate of the students who have food allergies. All group leaders are given a list of campers and their specific allergies. Check-in with the Head Counselor of their group and ensure your child’s name and allergy are on their list.
The Chuck Wagon at Sierra Canyon School does not actively serve products that contain nuts. Be aware that some items sold (i.e. Chex Mix) state that they may contain traces of nuts. If an ingredient label says, “May contain traces of nuts or peanuts”, treat the food is if it does contain tree nuts or peanuts. The menu is both listed online Menu and in the Sierra Day Camp Chronicle.
We encourage you to familiarize your children with the type of allergies they have.
Wash their hands before and after eating lunch or snacks.
Teach your children to eat off their lunch bag, lunch box, or a paper napkin instead of the tabletop.
A wet wipe should be packed in their lunch for them to wipe the table surface prior to eating. A counselor can assist them with this if they are not yet ready to do this.
Our cooking block counselor can be contacted in advance of camp beginning. Discuss your child’s food allergies. Many parents find that letting them participate in the cooking block, but not consuming the snack, is more comfortable. Parents are then encouraged to send snacks from home that can be utilized during these times (ie, popsicles). They can be stored in the Health Office, and brought in fresh each week.
If symptoms of allergy occur, or your child begins to feel strange or thinks something is wrong, he/she should tell an adult immediately. Do not be embarrassed to get help, and do not wait!
Even if your child(ren) is not personally affected by food allergies, here are some things that non-allergic students can do to help their food-allergic friends (
Don’t share food with friends. Wash hands after before and after eating. Encourage your children to ask what their friends are allergic to and help them avoid it.
Don’t trade food. Campers should eat only the safe lunch or snacks prepared for them at home.
Keep some healthy, non-allergic snacks for your children at school in case something unexpected happens. If their lunch falls on the floor, or a classmate contaminates their lunch, they will still have something to eat.
Special Medical Concerns
An RN or LVN staffs the Health Office each day. We care for campers with a wide variety of medical concerns, including asthma, life-threatening allergies, diabetes, and seizures. If your child has any special medical concerns, is important to schedule a meeting with the Health Office staff prior to your child attending their first day of camp. This way, we can ensure all forms, supplies, and necessary medications have been submitted.
Any child who becomes ill at camp will be taken to the health office and remain there until a parent or guardian can pick up the child. Parents should pick up ill/injured children within 30 minutes to 1 hour of notification. If the health office determines that your child has a fever of 100 degrees or more, you will be contacted to pick him/her up. Campers must be fever-free for 24 hours and feel well enough to return to camp.
The Health Office hours are 9AM-4PM each day. Any camper returning to camp with stitches, a cast or sling, or following hospitalization must have a note from their healthcare provider indicating the extent of the injury, and any limitations required while at camp.
Minor injuries
Counselors will bring campers to the Health Office for evaluation and treatment. A note will go home via backpack that day.
Moderate injuries
Counselors notify the Health Office and the child is evaluated at the site of the injury. Parents are notified by phone and a note will go home via backpack that day.
Serious injuries
In the event of a serious injury or sudden illness, emergency medical services are called (911). Evaluation and stabilization are provided.
We look forward to ensuring your child has a safe and memorable camp experience. Please feel free to contact the Health Office.
Safely Yours,
Holly Calig, RN, BSN, PHN
Office: 818.882.8121 ext 115 Fax: 818.882.7023